BUILT: Commissioned by Rotorua Mountain Bike Club in 2008.
Surveyed with funding from the Lion Foundation. Designed by James Dodds and Jeff Carter. Built by an army of volunteers who knew what a good thing it would be when they heard about this trail. Construction was by spade, machete and rake wielding volunteers led by Mike and Rob from Bike Culture on Wednesday evening working bees through the summer. DOC (Department of Conservation) staff did some of the heavy lifting by bringing their chainsaw expertise to the party on the tough sections.
GETTING THERE: Entrance is from Tuhoto Ariki trail. Most riders ride from the Tuhoto Ariki trailhead at the highest point of the forest on Tawa Rd.
Because Tuhoto Ariki is one of Rotorua's few two-way tracks it is also legitimately accessed from the other direction - by heading up Tuhoto Ariki's last section from the Moerangi Rd. end.
TRAIL DESCRIPTION: Rooty, lots of serious off camber and sections you need to carry momentum to clear. If you can clean it you're in an elite group, there are not many who can consistently pin a clean run through Hatu Patu, or HP as it's affectionately referred to by some locals.
It's hard enough in the dry, it it's a bit wet underfoot you'll be on lines you didn't even know existed till you got spat onto them by the roots.
Do not bring your intermediate level riding mates down here. They will definitely hate it, and possibly hurt themselves. HP is only suitable for experienced riders who thrive on rooty, tecnnical trails.
Tuhourangi iwi kaumatua, Anaru Rangiheuea, named it Hatupatu, after a young man who came to Aotearoa on the Arawa canoe and who used to hunt in the forests around Rotorua. “It’s great the trail network has names that draw attention to the history and legends of this area, adding another dimension to the experience,” says Dave Donaldson, who was one of the main movers in the construction of Tuhoto Ariki and Hatupatu. Google 'Hatupatu' for more about him, including the story of how he hid from the bird woman, Kurangaituku behind a rock near Atiamuri, now known as Hatupatu’s Rock.
Exits on Moerangi Rd. just up from the intersection with Tawa Rd. From here, if you're feeling invincible, you can ride Dammit Janet, Chestnut Rd, Rocky Horror.
Mere mortals are more likely to ride down Moerangi road a little then hook a left into G Rock, Chestnut Link, Rollercoaster