Tank to Town is currently closed at the request of landowners. Please do not ride or walk at any time. We will update if this status changes, but meanwhile please do not venture on to this trail.


BUILT: 2014 by Red McHale and the Corrections Dept.

GETTING THERE: From the grass verge beside Tarawera Road, Tank to Town crosses over to the intersection of Tokorangi Pa Road and Lynmore Link.

TRAIL DESCRIPTION: Utilising some reinstated old school trails alongside newer sections the profile is punishing. Very steep pinch climbs mean most locals use alternatives (As You Do is a good one to get from Lynmore into the forest). Good for training, not in keeping with the flowing nature of other trails in the forest.

GETTING OUT:  It is a shared use, two-way trail so can be ridden in either direction.

Grade 3 Trails on Forest Hub 2 / Lakes side of forest


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